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And now we add blogging to our to-do list...

Well that's it... it's official... we are gluttons for punishment! Our to-do list (not counting home) is never-ending and as I sit here at 12:17am, after 2 weeks of working tirelessly at all hours to re-haul the website, I've added a blog to it, too. I've messaged Bethaney and given her homework; write a blog post. I've added 'plan blog posts' to our next meeting schedule.

Now, it's half term week, which means we're rushed off our feet. Our to-do list this week gets longer and longer, and come next week, we'll stare at it and think "how?!". BUT, what if this new blog gives us the chance to tell you things you don't know about TPL - about our busy, much loved, small business? What if this blog actually lends some structure to our to-do list and helps us organise some of the sometimes chaos? What if, by writing down our thoughts, maybe some of our processes, or perhaps even some of our biggest tips and tricks, we all benefit; us and you?!

Well, to me, that's worth an even longer to-do list. And I'll finish my cup of tea and head to bed, ready for a busy half term day number 2. I'll fall asleep grateful that I have a super long to-do list because that means we're busy and I'll remind myself that we have the best customers; the greatest job in the world, and I'll smile and I'll look forward to tackling some of that to-do list tomorrow (and adding more to it of course!).

Good night! P.S - please have a mooch around the website and let us know what you think! Is it easier to navigate? Is the information clear? Can you easily find what you're looking for? Would you like us to add anything else? Can you think of something I've missed? You get the jist! Thank you in advance.

Vikki x

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